Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Recent events have inspired me. I feel as if I should write them down while they are still fresh. This is to all those teenagers out there who like to experiment. Before you try that Pot. Think about future you. What is this one time thing REALLY going to matter? Think about yourself years from now. Its not just pot now its heroin and meth. The most important things in your life. You can't go a day without it. Your children only matter when you come down and you realize what you have done or haven't done. Your kids clothes are dirty they are hungry and there is no food in the house. Your daughter wants you to brush her hair but you can't keep your hands still long enough because they are shaking so bad. You yell out of frustration. All you want is another fix to help make you feel better. You are sick and you know it. But it doesn't curve the appetite. You can't hold down a job because you can't stay sober long enough to make it to work. Next thing you know Police are busting in and taking your children away and you are going jail. So BEFORE you try that joint think about that ONE joint and what its really going to do. Pretty soon that ONE joint is going to turn into two and 3 and on and on. Then the high won't be as good so you will move onto "New" things so you can feel that rush. Think about your future children BEFORE you smoke that joint. Do you really want them to grow up without their mommy or daddy because they are high or in jail? Do you realize the danger you are putting them in bringing strangers around and doing drugs around them? I know most will find this as excessive and that's fine. But remember this is how I grew up. I've lived it and will tell you exactly how it is. Now compared to some my life was minor. Others aren't so lucky and their parents sell them for sex to get their fix. I didn't have to worry about that. But I was the kid who's mom and dad were in jail for drugs. I was the kid who didn't get anything for her birthday because all the money went to drugs. I was the kid whose dad pawned her Clarinet for drugs. Try explaining that to a band teacher. And finally making brownies after Awanas having the FBI bust into your house because they think your parents are harboring a fugitive. Only to have both of your parents taken away again that night and not knowing when you would see them again. So BEFORE you experiment PLEASE take a moment to think about it. Is it really That cool to be high with your friends? Is it really that cool to go to jail?

Saturday, August 27, 2011


THAT'S RIGHT! We bought a house. And we LOVE it. We love our neighborhood and we love our house! Our neighbors are awesome (Can I get an amen?) Funny how you see a house and you just know its the one you are supposed to live in. This one has a library/study that has been deemed (Amber's room) as well as a "Nascar Room" for Eric because it has built in glass shelves all around it to display his Nascar Model cars. Blake is loving having a room just for toys. We finally got a playroom! And let me say its pretty nice. For now I'm working on unpacking and trying to get settled. Its a new adventure and I'm excited to see where it takes us!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

playdates and luau's

Rub a dub dub 3 kids in a tub! Blake, Ayla and Uriah
My pretty diet coke from the nice man at the luau
The dancers
Pulling da pig out.
Blake was pooped!

The other blog didn't post the pictures so here they are!
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easter cookies

Fun decorating Easter cookies!
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Blake's Easter Basket
Uncle Billy giving Blake the dreaded hair cut!
Riding in a canoe at Grandma Maggies
Hunting for Easter Eggs!
Taking a swim in the canal.

Here are a few pictures from our Easter Sunday. We had a great day with our McClellan ohana. Blake was so worn out we had to leave early so he could get his beauty sleep in. Mahalo to the McClellan's for inviting us out!

Amber and Blake
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Saturday, April 2, 2011


RUB A DUB DUB 3 KIDS IN A TUB! Blake, Ayla and Uriah
My Pretty Diet coke
Pulling the pig out of the pit.
Luau show!

We have had a fun couple of days. Had a playdate with a friend and her kids and Mommy got to go to a luau kid free for the night! Blake had a blast and passed out shortly after I got home. I had lots of fun with my friends and enjoyed the show. I did accidently pick up a fertility God doll statue thing. And then ended up sitting in between 3 pregnant women but hey I have nothing to worry about right LOL. Anyway it was a fun night and here are a few pics.
Mahalo for looking,